Tuesday 16 June 2015

Piano Group Class

Piano Group Class

With blurry eyes I saw the door open and a dark figure was standing in the doorway.  As my eyes adjusted to the dark.  I saw my mom standing, beckoning for me to get up.  She asked if I was awake and I answered saying

“I'm awake.”  

I glanced at my watch.  5:00 am.  I got out of my bed.  Still half asleep I walked out and got dressed.  

I walked into the piano room and got out the books I was going to use.  I turned on the metronome to 120 and practised Hanon to warm my fingers up.  

It was 5:15 am. so my mom pushed the ‘call’ button to call my teacher on face-time.(my mom is also my teacher.  I Learn a lot from my mom as well.)  It didn't work.  So my mom tried again.  It didn't work again.  Finally after several more tries it worked.  Yay!  

I saw the rest of the girls my age waiting to play.  My teacher asked me if I wanted to be first, or if I wanted to wake up a bit more before I played.(since everyone else was in America it was about 12:15, noon, for them.)  I answered saying I wanted to play now.

I played.  I was nervous but I played even better than I practised.  I made only 3 mistakes!  That was a score of -3!

By the end of group class no one else had a higher score than -3!  That meant I was the winner!  I was very happy.  

At the end of group class, everyone got a chocolate bar.(except me because I am in New Zealand and everyone else was in America)  My teacher said she would save my TWO chocolate bars.(I got two because I won)

It was a fun group class and I'm glad I went.  


  1. Hi Mercy
    I know we have chatted about your piano but I wanted to leave you a comment. It is just so interesting learning about how you are learning the piano with a group of people so far away. Isn't it great that technology allows us to do this? I wonder f others learn from teachers across the world too? I remember when I went to secondary school I had to learn to speak German doing something called correspondence. All my learning tasks came in the mail and I listened to tapes. ( Do you know what these are?) It would have been so much more fun and interesting to learn using something like face time with a group of others!

    Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yes,
      It is great I can do it on face time.

      Thanks for the comment,

  2. Outstanding bit of writing Mercy you have really got me visualizing what you are doing and how you are doing it. Do you need to translate in American or do you talk in English and so does the teacher? Very good.

    From Emily

    1. We both speak English so I don't have to translate.
      Thanks Emily,

  3. Well done Mercy I would never be able to win that. Do you want to play any other instrument? - Tia

    1. Hi Tia
      It would be fun to learn another instrument but maybe in a little while. Do you play any instruments?
